A while ago, a company presented me with an opportunity that looked perfect for some of the things I wanted to do. I prayed, believed God said yes, and signed the contract. My first clue that something wasn’t right should have been when the company missed the deadline for the completion of the project. But, […]
Tag: Personal Growth
Do You Wear A Mask?
I often begin one of my talks with the story of how I decided at 12 years old to be a lawyer. People love hearing how someone decided so young what they wanted to do and the process she used to make it happen. It’s a feel-good story of how a little girl from the […]
Are You a Fighter?
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. (2 Timothy 4:7) Second Timothy is Paul’s last letter before being martyred. Chapter 4, verse 7 is often quoted as an affirmation of his unwavering faith and unyielding love for the gospel of Jesus Christ. As Paul wrote Second Timothy, […]
When Distractions Get In Your Way
One of my favorite events during the summer Olympics is the distance runners in the track and field events. The shorter-distance runners tend to get the most attention (think Usain Bolt) but, in my opinion, the long-distance runners have a much more challenging job. Sprinters, like Usain Bolt, can easily see the finish line before […]
Do You Need A Breakthrough?
When I think back over my life, I can recall times when I really needed a word from God. I needed His direction, guidance, protection, and deliverance. Many times, as I prayed, I heard clearly from Him. However, there were other times when I fell on my face before the Lord and nothing seemed to […]
How Will You Respond?
Have you ever said: Perhaps you’ve never asked any of these, but many of us have gone through a difficult time and have had our own questions. We may not have received the answers we wanted when we wanted them. But what we have learned is that we are not in control – God is. […]
Remember Your Promise
The Bible is full of stories of people who had big problems and even bigger promises. One example is found in Genesis 22:1-18. Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!” “Here I am,” he replied. Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to […]
Your Past is Over
Most of us have mistakes in our pasts or skeletons in our closets that we would love to be able to forget. Some of these things may have happened some time ago or they may have been as recently as a few months ago. The bad news is that we cannot erase them and we […]
From Crisis to Christ
The Chinese character for crisis is formed by putting two words together: danger and opportunity. That’s what a crisis is – a time that can bring enormous tragedy or amazing opportunity. You may not always be in control of what’s going on around you however, you do have control over how you will respond. Let’s […]
Are You Worried About Tomorrow?
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Matthew 6:27 (NIV) Ask most women if they have something to worry about and many will likely say, “Of course, I worry. I worry about my children making good choices, my husband/getting a husband, whether I will be downsized in the next […]