Tag: Spiritual Growth

5 Symptoms Of A Woman Who Doesn’t Know Her Assignment

5 Symptoms Of A Woman Who Doesn’t Know Her Assignment

When you’re sick, you usually have symptoms telling you that something is wrong. So, you can go to the doctor or at least go to the drugstore for some medicine. But there are times when you may be sick, and you don’t even know it – your symptoms are silent and invisible. The same thing […]

You Are Divinely Positioned For This Season

You Are Divinely Positioned For This Season

Not too long ago, I listened as a young woman described how she lived with a spirit of fear. She was afraid to drive on the expressway. She feared walking into parking decks alone. She was afraid for her husband and children from the time they left home until they returned every day. She explained […]

Giving Up Control

Giving Up Control

If you ever looked up Type A personality in the dictionary, you would probably find my name – I love making lists; every meeting must have an agenda; I plan everything down to the last detail; there’s a place for everything; I am always on time, early actually. And, I love being in control.                                                                                                                                                     […]

Used By God

Used By God

Monica Lewinsky. Tonya Harding. Rahab. Years separate these three women, but they have one thing in common – they each faced public humiliation. They are known for something they did and not the person they are. Monica is long gone from the white house and Tonya is still barred from figure skating. Rahab’s story, however, […]

Facing Challenges

Facing Challenges

The Gospel of Mark describes the hopeless condition of an unnamed woman. Mark 5:25-26 states, “Now a certain woman had a flow of blood for twelve years, and had suffered many things from many physicians. She had spent all that she had and was no better, but rather grew worse.” Saying that this woman was […]