The old sailing metaphor, “stay the course,” originally meant keeping an unchanged course in navigation. In other words, once the ship’s itinerary had been set, rough waters and shifting winds may not have been enough to change the ship’s planned route.
The ship had a goal that it needed to reach and staying the course was the way to accomplish it.
The same can be said about our lives.
God plants a dream in our hearts, helps us develop a plan to achieve it, and tells us to walk into our destiny. But along the way, we may face rough waters and shifting winds. Then we’re thrown off course and feel like we’re lost at sea.
Have you ever felt this way?
Perhaps there were times when you questioned if you were ever going to achieve your dream.
The truth of the matter is that no matter what happens, God’s Word says that you are to forget about what’s happened and don’t’ keep going over old history. Isaiah 43:18 is your reminder to “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.”
Today is a brand-new day.
One thing you can be sure of with all certainty is that God’s Word does not change. If He made you a promise or gave you a dream it will come to pass.
Your circumstances may look bad, and you may be feeling a little discouraged but hold on to the promise in Psalm 118:17, “I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the Lord has done.”
Do not give up. God will use your dream to accomplish His purpose for your life.