Back in January, I had several conversations with individuals who proclaimed that this is going to be their year; this is the year that they’re going to make their dreams come true. Whether that’s discovering their true purpose, leaving their jobs, starting a business, or doing something else.
Unfortunately, many of them will never realize any of those things because of one little word that carries a big punch – fear.
Studies show that 95% of people don’t put their dreams into action because of fear.
But what’s even worse than that fact is the fact that 98% of the fears we have are unfounded. In other words, they don’t come true.
So, what is fear?
Dictionary. com says other words for fear include apprehension, dismay, dread, terror, fright, and trepidation. All of these words sound pretty ominous.
But all fear is not bad. For instance, fear that keeps someone from walking in front of a moving car is good. The fear we have for God, our reverence for Him, is good.
The not-good kind of fear is the kind that keeps you from pursuing the very thing you were created to do. That kind of fear is false evidence appearing real and it’s an enemy of God’s plan for your life. In other words, it’s that 98% of things we fear that never happen.
The good news is you have a choice.
You can Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise. You always have a choice. I’m asking you to choose to let your faith be bigger than your fear.
If God has placed a dream, a desire, or a calling in your heart – have faith that He will help you achieve it. Don’t allow fear to intimidate you so that you don’t carry out the assignment God gave you.
It doesn’t matter that it’s a new year. If you’ve brought your past fears right along with you they will rob you of your destiny. I am going to challenge you to move out of fear and step into faith instead.
What is faith?
Scripture tells us that “Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.” (NL T)
It’s not too late to make this year different from years past.
Trust God and believe in what you cannot see. This does not mean that you’re denying reality. It just means that you refuse to allow what you see, to make you stop believing what God said.
This can be the year for you to start that business you’ve always dreamed of, start that non-profit that’s going to help the people you have a heart for, or start that ministry God whispered into your ear.
It’s time to make your move.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self- discipline. (2 Timothy 1:7)
Beautifully written words of encouragement . 🧡
Thank you!