I recently received an email from a reader with a question from her heart.
She had read one of my articles about being Christlike by embracing love, forgiveness, and kindness.
This young woman shared that she had received an unexpected bill for more than $600. She was particularly upset because she didn’t know who made the charge, yet she was responsible for paying it.
She concluded her email with a question: “Your interpretation [of scripture] looks good on paper, but how in the real world do you manage, emotionally and especially financially, to live that way?”
How do you forgive when someone hurts you?
How do you respond in a godly manner when you’re unfairly mistreated?
How can you love when what you really want to do is retaliate or seek revenge?
These are challenging scenarios, but scripture addresses them all.
As Christians, God calls us to do hard things because we belong to Him. He has empowered us to do what we cannot do on our own by giving us the gift of the Holy Spirit.
- Scriptures and Real Life:
Sometimes, scriptures may seem daunting. Think about Hosea 1:2, where God tells Hosea to marry an adulteress. Hosea obeyed, and even when his wife resorted to prostitution, he paid her debt to buy her back and live with her in love (Hosea 3:1-3).
Easy? Probably not. However, out of love and obedience to God, Hosea did what was required of him.
- Our Call to Forgive and Love:
Our Lord requires no less of us than He required of Hosea.
It’s much easier to forgive someone who cuts us off in traffic or tries to cut in front of us in line at the grocery store than it is to shoulder a $600 expense created by someone else. It’s only human to feel angry and frustrated.
The way to manage those feelings is to hand them over to the Lord in prayer and ask for His help. When you feel powerless, give those feelings to the One who has all power in His hands.
- Turning to Prayer:
This is the only way I know how to walk this Christian journey, day in and day out.
When something happens that I have no control over, all I can do is pray and ask God for His help. Sometimes that’s not my first inclination.
However, I know that I can either stay mad and frustrated, or I can go to God and ask Him to help me release my anger and forgive the offender. I know I can’t or won’t do it on my own.
- Examples from Scripture:
There are numerous examples in scripture where ordinary men and women are called on to do things that seem difficult to us and appear crazy to others.
Abraham and Isaac, David and Goliath, Mary the mother of Jesus, Paul’s ministry – just to name a few.
The wonderful thing about being a Christian is that God never tells us to do something we cannot do. We may not be able to do it in our own power, but we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
The more we love Him, the more we want to please Him.
In Conclusion:
- Trust in God’s Strength:
Remember, God empowers us to handle difficult situations through the Holy Spirit. - Seek His Guidance:
In moments of unfair treatment, turn to prayer, seeking God’s help to manage your emotions and actions. - Follow Biblical Examples:
Look to the stories of Hosea, Abraham, David, and others for inspiration and encouragement. - Embrace God’s Call:
We are called to do hard things, but with God’s strength, we can rise above our challenges and respond with love, forgiveness, and kindness.
Living a Christlike life may seem hard sometimes, but with God’s help, it’s not only possible – it’s how we become more like Jesusc. Trust in Him, lean on His strength, and let your actions reflect His love and grace.