Who Is A Purpose Aligned Woman?

A woman living in her God-ordained purpose is empowered to be everything God created her to be. She is committed to glorifying God and helping others.

What Season Are You In?

The Bible story of Esther is a familiar one. (See Esther 1-10) When the story opens, she is a captive Jewish orphan living in Persia. However, by the end of the story, she is

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Are You A Fighter?

I have never been in a physical fight in my life. The closest I ever came to actually fighting anyone was one time when I was in junior high school. Four girlfriends and I

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You Are Not Too Old!

I was scrolling through my Instagram feed when my eyes were drawn to a video. I decided to stop scrolling and see what it was about. As I listened to the business coach featured

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Me & DD - Gray

The Community


Do you want to create the life and business of your dreams so that you can live your purpose, leave a legacy, and glorify God?
If you do, you’ll get encouragement and inspiration in our community for that, too.

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words of wisdom

Words to Live By

I brought glory to you here on earth by completing the work you gave me to do. 

-John 17:4

Every man and woman is born into the world to do something unique and something distinctive and if he or she does not do it, it will never be done. 

-Benjamin E. Mays

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Ready to meet a community of women committed to living in alignment with their purpose?

Do you want to create the life and business of your dreams so that you can live your purpose, leave a legacy, and glorify God? If you do, you’ll get encouragement and inspiration in our community, too. I believe that women are extraordinary beings created by God to share their gifts with the world. The first step in doing that is discovering your God-given purpose and then living it every single day. God wants that for you, and I do, as well. Because when you create a life aligned with God’s purpose for you, you will have the life of your dreams.