Some time ago, I committed to doing a 30-day video challenge. A business coach asked business owners and entrepreneurs to join her in making at least one video every day for 30 days. At first glance, the challenge looked like too big of a challenge for me. I mean really, who has time to make […]
Tag: Mindset
Are You Pushed By Pain Or Pulled By Passion?
As a coach and speaker, I often share the story of how I decided when I was twelve years old to become a lawyer one day. Everything I did from that point on had to help me in achieving that goal. I took college prep classes in high school, chose my college major based on […]
You Are Divinely Positioned For This Season
Not too long ago, I listened as a young woman described how she lived with a spirit of fear. She was afraid to drive on the expressway. She feared walking into parking decks alone. She was afraid for her husband and children from the time they left home until they returned every day. She explained […]
Do You Have A Dream?
Do you have a dream to do something, be something or go somewhere? The Bible tells us that dreams have several purposes. Dreams can restrain us from evil (Genesis 20:13), reveal God’s will (Genesis 28:11- 22), encourage us (Judges 7:13-15), reveal the future (Genesis 37:5-10), and instruct us (Matthew 1:20). In speaking with women, […]
Used By God
Monica Lewinsky. Tonya Harding. Rahab. Years separate these three women, but they have one thing in common – they each faced public humiliation. They are known for something they did and not the person they are. Monica is long gone from the white house and Tonya is still barred from figure skating. Rahab’s story, however, […]
What If…
What if. . . You knew exactly what God wanted for you? What if. . . You believed that you could absolutely have it? What if. . . You knew your hopes and dreams could come true? What if. . . You got up every morning living the authentic life you really want? What if. […]
Facing Challenges
The Gospel of Mark describes the hopeless condition of an unnamed woman. Mark 5:25-26 states, “Now a certain woman had a flow of blood for twelve years, and had suffered many things from many physicians. She had spent all that she had and was no better, but rather grew worse.” Saying that this woman was […]
How do You Handle Disappointment?
A while ago, a company presented me with an opportunity that looked perfect for some of the things I wanted to do. I prayed, believed God said yes, and signed the contract. My first clue that something wasn’t right should have been when the company missed the deadline for the completion of the project. But, […]
Do You Wear A Mask?
I often begin one of my talks with the story of how I decided at 12 years old to be a lawyer. People love hearing how someone decided so young what they wanted to do and the process she used to make it happen. It’s a feel-good story of how a little girl from the […]
When Distractions Get In Your Way
One of my favorite events during the summer Olympics is the distance runners in the track and field events. The shorter-distance runners tend to get the most attention (think Usain Bolt) but, in my opinion, the long-distance runners have a much more challenging job. Sprinters, like Usain Bolt, can easily see the finish line before […]