Tag: Mindset

The Journey To Significance Begins In The Mind

The Journey To Significance Begins In The Mind

The truth is, most of us feel destined for something greater than what we are currently achieving. We yearn for more meaning in our lives, a sense of significance, and a lasting legacy. This desire is not only valid but entirely attainable. The Desire for Significance High-achieving women want to live lives of significance – […]

3 Key Ingredients For A Merry Christmas Season

3 Key Ingredients For A Merry Christmas Season

I love to bake! On Wednesday, I spent some time picking out some of the recipes for my Christmas baking. One of my specialties is my turtle cheesecake. It’s a simple recipe but every ingredient is important for assuring that my cheesecake is going to turn out right every time. A lot of things in […]

What Do You Do When It Feels Like Your Dream’s Not Coming True?

What Do You Do When It Feels Like Your Dream’s Not Coming True?

One of the most well-known poems among African Americans is Langston Hughes’, A Dream Deferred. Most of us know or at least have heard: What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up. like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore—. And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust […]

You Are Divinely Positioned For This Season

You Are Divinely Positioned For This Season

Not too long ago, I listened as a young woman described how she lived with a spirit of fear. She was afraid to drive on the expressway. She feared walking into parking decks alone. She was afraid for her husband and children from the time they left home until they returned every day. She explained […]

Do You Have A Dream?

Do You Have A Dream?

Do you have a dream to do something, be something or go somewhere? The Bible tells us that dreams have several purposes. Dreams can restrain us from evil (Genesis 20:13), reveal God’s will (Genesis 28:11- 22), encourage us (Judges 7:13-15), reveal the future (Genesis 37:5-10), and instruct us (Matthew 1:20).                                                                                                            In speaking with women, […]

Used By God

Used By God

Monica Lewinsky. Tonya Harding. Rahab. Years separate these three women, but they have one thing in common – they each faced public humiliation. They are known for something they did and not the person they are. Monica is long gone from the white house and Tonya is still barred from figure skating. Rahab’s story, however, […]