Her RICH Life Blog

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Spiritual Growth

God Is Bigger Than Impossibilities

Sometimes life can feel very difficult. We live in a fallen world and our personal choices haven’t always been the best. Consequently, we’re often faced with situations that look impossible. A look at scripture

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Do You Need A Breakthrough?

When I think back over my life, I can recall times when I really needed a word from God. I needed His direction, guidance, protection, and deliverance. Many times, as I prayed, I heard

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Your Past is Over

Most of us have mistakes in our pasts or skeletons in our closets that we would love to be able to forget. Some of these things may have happened some time ago or they

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From Crisis to Christ

The Chinese character for crisis is formed by putting two words together: danger and opportunity. That’s what a crisis is – a time that can bring enormous tragedy or amazing opportunity.   You may not

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You Are Who God Says You Are

The world can be an unfriendly and unkind place sometimes. It can frequently leave you battered and bruised. However, there’s hope. The blessing is that this is not your final home. Because you have

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The Rules For Real Success

Success can be defined in many ways. Some people see it as having certain material possessions, while others may focus on things that are more intangible. However, the wise woman knows that there’s a

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Less Worry, More Peace

Some of us have the “what if” game down to a science – what if I lose my job, what if the test comes back positive, what if he leaves me? The list can

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Me & DD - Gray

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words of wisdom

Words to Live By

I brought glory to you here on earth by completing the work you gave me to do. 

-John 17:4

Every man and woman is born into the world to do something unique and something distinctive and if he or she does not do it, it will never be done. 

-Benjamin E. Mays