Not too long ago, I listened as a young woman described how she lived with a spirit of fear. She was afraid to drive on the expressway. She feared walking into parking decks alone. She was afraid for her husband and children from the time they left home until they returned every day. She explained how she prayed and recited scripture, but she couldn’t shake the fear, worry, and stress.
Then one day, she found her young son hiding in his closet. When she asked him what he was doing there, he explained that he knew she was always worrying about something happening to him, so he was afraid that if he didn’t hide, something bad was going to happen.
At that moment, the young lady said that she realized that without saying a word to her child, she had set things in motion for him to develop that same fearful spirit that she had.
She also realized that she could not continue the way she had been living and with the help of Jesus, she could break the cycle.
Just as the child in this story picked up on his mother’s actions and beliefs, the people in our circle of influence can pick up on ours. Women frequently set the tone for their homes and lives. It’s a great opportunity to influence the people in our lives in a positive way.
That’s an important concept to remember. You are divinely positioned to forget the madness of the times and lead your family and friends into the presence of Jesus.
We must be careful about how we live.
The world glamorizes gluttony, over-indulgence, and over-spending.
My sisters, it’s up to us to remind those we come into contact with that our lives are all about Jesus. Our focus must be shifted from the perfect meal, gift, or outfit, to the only Perfect One. When we’re able to do this, we will have less stress and more gratefulness, peace, and joy.
If you find yourself going into stress overload, stop the madness!
God has uniquely positioned you to create a spirit-filled vision of what you want your home and your life to look like. Prayerfully seek how He would have you and your family cut back on the things that stress you out and have little to do with Him. Use your divine position to bring about changes that honor God.
Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. Ephesians 5:15-17 (NIV)