Tag: Purpose

What Do You Do When It Feels Like Your Dream’s Not Coming True?

What Do You Do When It Feels Like Your Dream’s Not Coming True?

One of the most well-known poems among African Americans is Langston Hughes’, A Dream Deferred. Most of us know or at least have heard: What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up. like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore—. And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust […]

5 Symptoms Of A Woman Who Doesn’t Know Her Assignment

5 Symptoms Of A Woman Who Doesn’t Know Her Assignment

When you’re sick, you usually have symptoms telling you that something is wrong. So, you can go to the doctor or at least go to the drugstore for some medicine. But there are times when you may be sick, and you don’t even know it – your symptoms are silent and invisible. The same thing […]

Used By God

Used By God

Monica Lewinsky. Tonya Harding. Rahab. Years separate these three women, but they have one thing in common – they each faced public humiliation. They are known for something they did and not the person they are. Monica is long gone from the white house and Tonya is still barred from figure skating. Rahab’s story, however, […]

What If…

What If…

What if. . . You knew exactly what God wanted for you? What if. . . You believed that you could absolutely have it? What if. . . You knew your hopes and dreams could come true? What if. . . You got up every morning living the authentic life you really want? What if. […]