I remember a conversation I had with a friend several years ago. We were both dreaming out loud, sharing the goals we wanted to accomplish in our lives. As we advised each other on the best steps to take, she shared something that has stuck with me ever since. She said, “Someone once told me, ‘A year from now, you’ll wish you had started today.’”
That statement hit me like a ton of bricks. How many times do we let fear, doubt, or the illusion of a “perfect time” keep us from stepping into what God has called us to do?
What Will You Wish You Had Started Today?
My question for you is this: What will you wish you had started today when you look back a year from now? You already know there’s something stirring in your heart—something God has placed inside you. Yet, you hesitate. You second-guess yourself. You talk yourself out of moving forward. Why?
Because staying where you are feels safer. The comfort zone is familiar. There are no risks, no uncertainties, no fear of failure. And so, despite the longing in your soul for something more, you remain stuck.
But here’s the truth: If you stay where you are, you may feel safe, but you will never feel fulfilled.
Are You Willing to Delay Your Purpose, Calling, and Assignment?
I speak with many women who feel trapped in unfulfilling jobs or situations. Just this week, I had a conversation with a woman who deeply desires to start a nonprofit to help young girls rescued from human trafficking. She knows in her heart that this is her purpose and calling. Yet, she told me she planned to stay in her current job for nine more years because that’s when she could retire.
Nine years.
Nine years of waiting to walk in the calling God placed on her life. Nine years of girls who won’t receive the help they desperately need because she allowed fear and comfort to dictate her timeline instead of faith.
That conversation reminded me of Esther. She was scared, too. She could have stayed silent and safe. But her cousin Mordecai told her, “And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14)
Could it be that this is your time?
What If You Mess Up?
One of the biggest fears that stops people is the fear of getting it wrong. But let me say this: Every step of obedience will not always go smoothly. Every plan may not work out exactly as expected.
But that’s okay.
God doesn’t require perfection – He requires faith.
Proverbs 16:9 says, “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” That means even when things don’t go as planned, God will redirect, refine, and realign you.
Failure is not final; it’s simply part of the journey.
Fear Is a Liar – Take the Leap Anyway
Many people live their entire lives wishing they had taken a leap of faith. Don’t let that be your story. Fear is nothing more than “false evidence appearing real.” It whispers lies to keep you bound. But God has not given you a spirit of fear. Second Timothy 1:7 promises you that He has given you power, love, and a sound mind.
So, what will it be?
Will you let fear keep you stuck, or will you take the leap anyway?
A year from now, you’ll either be looking back with regret or rejoicing in the steps you took. Choose faith over fear. Step out, trust God, and move toward the calling He has placed on your heart.
Because the truth is, you don’t have to feel ready. You just have to be willing.
And when you take that first step, God will meet you there.