Your days are like dollars in a bank account. How you spend them matters. Some of us will be blessed to have many days ahead of us. Some will have only a few. But regardless of how much life you have left to live, the most important question will always be: how will you choose […]
Tag: Dreams Matter
There’s A Cost For Doubing Your Dreams
I believe that women are extraordinary beings designed by God to do amazing things in the world. Unfortunately, too many women don’t believe that. They doubt themselves; they doubt that God has a plan for their lives, and they doubt that they can actually make their dreams a reality. That doubt has a cost and […]
Unleashing Your Divine Dreams
I believe that each one of us has been given unique dreams by God. And in this blog post, we will explore how to uncover and nurture them into reality. But first, I have four points I want to share with you to get you set up for success. Point #1 – Acknowledging God’s Plan […]
Do You Have A Dream?
Do you have a dream to do something, be something or go somewhere? The Bible tells us that dreams have several purposes. Dreams can restrain us from evil (Genesis 20:13), reveal God’s will (Genesis 28:11- 22), encourage us (Judges 7:13-15), reveal the future (Genesis 37:5-10), and instruct us (Matthew 1:20). In speaking with women, […]