My former client, Keisha, sat on the edge of her bed, her Bible open on her lap but her mind drowning in noise. The same thoughts played on repeat: You’re not good enough. Who do you think you are? You’ll never succeed. She had been here before. Every time she tried to step into something […]
Tag: Mindset
The #1 Key to Dreaming With God
During our first coaching session together, my client, Ella, shared this story with me. She shared how she recently sat at her kitchen table, staring at a stack of unpaid bills. Her coffee had gone cold, but she didn’t care. The dreams she once had in her heart – writing a book, starting her own […]
Reclaim Your God-Given Value
I love the creation story, especially the part where God creates woman. Unlike any other creature, woman was brought into the world in a unique and special way. This act of creation speaks volumes about the value and significance God places on women. God’s love for His people is profound. He loved us so much […]
The Story You Tell Yourself Has Power
I love stories – reading them, listening to them, and telling them. They have the power to transport you from one place to another, without regard to location, time, or even believability. That’s one of the reasons I love them. Just as powerful as the stories in books, movies, and music, are the stories we […]
Partnering With God For A Purpose Aligned Life
Let’s talk about how you can realign your mindset to partner with God effectively. Realigning your mindset is crucial when you want to make any change or take any action in your life. If you want to live a purpose-aligned life, you need to partner with God to make that happen. Right now, your life […]
The Journey To Significance Begins In The Mind
The truth is, most of us feel destined for something greater than what we are currently achieving. We yearn for more meaning in our lives, a sense of significance, and a lasting legacy. This desire is not only valid but entirely attainable. The Desire for Significance High-achieving women want to live lives of significance – […]
Am I The Only One Who Needs To Pivot?
If you’ve been in my community for a while, you know that I love to plan. And doing my beginning of the year planning is something I look forward to every year. This has been the case for as long as I can remember. So, in December 2023, I set aside time to prepare for […]
3 Key Ingredients For A Merry Christmas Season
I love to bake! On Wednesday, I spent some time picking out some of the recipes for my Christmas baking. One of my specialties is my turtle cheesecake. It’s a simple recipe but every ingredient is important for assuring that my cheesecake is going to turn out right every time. A lot of things in […]
What Do You Do When It Feels Like Your Dream’s Not Coming True?
One of the most well-known poems among African Americans is Langston Hughes’, A Dream Deferred. Most of us know or at least have heard: What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up. like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore—. And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust […]
Stop Beating Yourself Up
Recently, I was leading my women’s Bible study and one of the things we do at the beginning is to have someone give a devotion. Some women choose to share their personal testimonies of coming to Christ during that time. Kim, the woman sharing on this particular morning chose to do that. She told us […]