Discover the Power of the Pursue Purpose Mastermind!

change is possible.

If a poll was taken of most people, it would reveal that...

#1 – The life they lead is a result of happenstance and not planning

#2 – Where they are in life is a result of what other people wanted for them and less of what they want for themselves.

#3 – And, most tragically of all, there is a sense of discontent and a feeling of something lacking in their lives.

The truth is, most people feel that they were designed for something greater than what they are accomplishing. They want more meaning in their life. They want to feel significant. And, they want to matter.

Unfortunately, their lives look very different from what they want. I have talked with and coached so many women who feel stuck because they do not have a clue how to live the life they can see in their heads and desire in their hearts.

If this is where you are, the Pursue Purpose Mastermind is for you. 

This life-changing group coaching program is what you need for more purpose, meaning, significance and fulfillment in your life. This is for the woman ready to make some changes. But if the thought of trying to change your life from what it is right now to a more fulfilling one based on your God-given purpose stresses you out even more, I can help.


the foundation

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with  perseverance the race marked out for us." Hebrews 12:1 


Contact Joyce Today!

I would love to help you create a more purpose-aligned life so that you can live the life of your dreams and do work that lights up your soul! 

Let’s connect and discuss what that would look like for you and how you can get it.

What The Pursue Purpose Mastermind Includes

9-Month Group Coaching Program

1-Day Virtual Retreats

During our nine months together, we will meet virtually for three 1-day retreats. Each retreat will focus on one module of the 3-part Pursue Purpose framework.

Daily Community

Every day, I will be available in our private Facebook group to answer questions and give you the support you need as you design your purpose-aligned life.

Monthly Q & A With Deep Dives

We will meet monthly for our virtual Q & A calls, where you will have the opportunity to not only ask questions but also to have one-to-one coaching time during deep dives.

the coach says

The Purpose-Aligned Woman Is An Empowered Woman.
- Joyce Averils

Other Coaching Opportunities

by application only

One-to-One Coaching


Groups are not your thing? Then a VIP Day could be just what you need!

During a VIP Day, Joyce will work with you one-on-one, either virtual or in-person, to help you with discovering your purpose path journey. If you already know your purpose, but you do not know what to do with it, you can use your VIP Day to map out a plan to get it done. Or if you need guidance on how to align your career or business with your purpose, a VIP Day would be perfect for you, too.

To find out if a VIP Day is right for you, apply today, as spots are very limited.

FOR THE coach & other online Entrepreneurs

The Purpose-Aligned Business Mastermind

Do you want to start a coaching business or other online business but do not know how or where to start? The Purpose-Aligned Business Mastermind can help you!

During this 90-day group coaching program, you will go from business idea to launching your profitable business, creating your first offer, and getting your first client, using Joyce’s 3-part framework.

Contact Joyce today to learn more and to get on the waitlist for the next round of the program.

7-Day Luxury Retreat

Maui, Hawaii Retreat

In spring 2026, we will be traveling to Maui, Hawaii for the trip of a lifetime. This is going to be an immersive experience with coaching and activities that are going to help you align with your purpose.

We’re still in the planning stages, but if you would be interested in learning more now, contact me today for information on how to sign up for the waitlist (joining the waitlist will not obligate you to anything)!

are you ready?

If Yes, We're Ready To Help!

You know you were made for more.

You know God has a purpose for you.

You know that you haven’t been able to live the life you’ve been created for.

You know that Googling, YouTubing, and devouring other free resources have not given you the answers you need.

You know that you want to live your dream life and do work that matters in the world.

You know it’s time to do something different.


words of wisdom

Words to Live By

I brought glory to you here on earth by completing the work you gave me to do. 

-John 17:4

Every man and woman is born into the world to do something unique and something distinctive and if he or she does not do it, it will never be done. 

-Benjamin E. Mays

(it's free!)

Join Our Community

Ready to meet a community of women committed to living in alignment with their purpose?

Do you want to create the life and business of your dreams so that you can live your purpose, leave a legacy, and glorify God? If you do, you’ll get encouragement and inspiration in our community, too. I believe that women are extraordinary beings created by God to share their gifts with the world. The first step in doing that is discovering your God-given purpose and then living it every single day. God wants that for you, and I do, as well. Because when you create a life aligned with God’s purpose for you, you will have the life of your dreams.